Welcome to the European Network of Associations of Lay Judges - ENALJ
The European Network of Associations of Lay Judges was founded in Berlin (Germany) in 2012 as a non-profit association, bringing together national associations of lay and honorary judges. The main aim of the association is to safeguard and to strengthen the participation of citizens in jurisdiction as „a fundamental principle in any democratic society” (European Charter) independent from the different systems of judiciary. The association currently encompasses 20 associations from 14 European countries.
Board Members
Rainer Sedelmayer (Austria)
Vice-President for EU-Matters
Paulette Vercauteren (Belgium)
Vice-President for Science and Research
Prof. Piotr W. Juchacz (Poland)
Vice-President for Training and Education
Margherita Morelli (Italy)
Secretary General
Hasso Lieber (Germany)
Previous Presidents
Hasso Lieber, Germany (2012/14)
Gérard Chambard, France (2012/13)
John Fassenfelt, England & Wales (2012/13)
Richard Monkhaus, England & Wales (2013/15)
Paulette Vercauteren, Belgium (2013/16)
Melinda Vágány, Hungary (2014/17)
Delia Devlin, Northern Ireland (2015/18)
Jouni Elomaa, Finland (2016/19)
Margherita Morelli, Italy (2017/22)
Jerzy Ząbkiewicz, Poland (2018/22)
Alessia Perolio, Italy (2019/22)
No general assemblies were held in 2020/21.
Aims & Objectives
(1) Promotion of civic engagement with regard to public involvement in the administration of justice
This aim is to be realised through the dissemination of information concerning access to the legal system and concerning citizens’ involvement in the administration of justice. Such information dissemination shall take the form of, amongst other things, public information events, the establishment of information platforms, the creation of networks and the use of social media.
(2) Promotion of the system of the democratic state
The promotion of the system of the democratic state is to be realised through implementation of the European Charter of Lay Judges, signed on 11 May 2012 in Brussels. The Charter expresses the right of citizens to be involved in the administration of justice as an act of civic emancipation and as an essential principle of any democratic society. It shall pursue the aim of increasing the role of lay judges in the administration of justice in all European states. To implement this Charter, the Association shall inform political decision makers at both the national and European levels as to the indispensability of citizen involvement in the administration of justice and, through statements and by other means, participate in the process of political opinion formation. Furthermore, the Association shall promote the exchange of ideas and opinions with professional judges, public prosecutors and lawyers, with the aim of raising awareness concerning citizens’ involvement in the administration of justice.
(3) Promotion of education and training
The promotion of education as well as general and vocational training with regard to public involvement in the administration of justice shall be realised through additional training for lay judges. Such additional training can take the form of, amongst other things, online seminars, conferences, training programmes, networking events, the exchange of proven methods and opportunities to sit in on lectures/seminars.
(4) Promotion of academic study and investigation
The promotion of academic study and investigation in the area of public involvement in the administration of justice is to be realised through own research activities.
(5) Co-operation between member associations
The objectives of the Association are co-operation between members on the following:
- collection and analysis of information on the structures and competencies of lay and honorary judges, arbitrators and lay prosecutors;
- exchange of experiences in relation to the association, training, functions and situation of lay and honorary judges, arbitrators and lay prosecutors;
- provision of expertise, experience and proposals to national and international organisations and/or European Union institutions;
- promoting equal treatment and training for lay and salaried judges;
- undertaking research and training as appropriate.
How to become a member of ENALJ
Membership is open to any autonomous association which represents lay and honorary judges, arbitrators and lay prosecutors having signed the European Charter of Lay Judges. (Statutes Article 5 Number 1)
The application for membership shall be submitted to the General Assembly. Admission of a new member shall be approved by the General Assembly. (Statutes Article 5 Number 3)
An application has to be sent by the President or the Chairperson of the interested association to the current ENALJ president.